
Christmas Museum

Traditions span generations and cultures; see how Vaillancourt Chalkware catalogs these traditions through their fine art quality painted designs. […]

With thousands of vintage chocolate moulds on display within the walls of the Christmas Museum, it’s easy to see how these antique chocolate moulds are a time capsule to Christmas traditions and lore. Since 1984, Judi has used these moulds (in addition to moulds she’s created and contemporary moulds) as the basis of her Chalkware. To put Vaillancourt Folk Art into perspective, completing The Vaillancourt Experience, we offer guided (and self guided) tours through the Christmas Museum. Gazing at the 3,000 chalkware designs that Judi has created, it’s incredible to see the historical perspective that each country represents through their depiction of Santa (or Father Christmas, St. Nichols, etc). In addition to the chalkware (from 1984 through today), the museum displays the German and Polish Glass Ornaments and Classical Christmas Creamware alongside some of the rarest Vaillancourt pieces (including the Chess sets and Noah’s Ark). The museum is constantly updating and changing, and documents the evolutionary style of Vaillancourt Chalkware while putting the small, family business in perspective of the multi billion dollar Christmas industry. A great inspiration for some shopping in the Retail Gallery after seeing how it’s made in the Artist’s Studio!

Thinking About Spring

Pre-Order Premier Numbers

Blooming Spring Santa with Lamb