
Authorized ebay Dealers

For those shopping for Vaillancourt Chalkware, many have been fortunate to have a store near them (click here to see if there is a store near you!) that carries some or all of the Vaillancourt line. Because we are not represented in every county in the USA, some collectors may have to travel up to an hour to a store that carries our pieces. For those who do not have a store near them, the Internet has been the perfect way to find those pieces.

The official Vaillancourt on-line store (representing our full catalog) has not only been a great place to shop, but also a resource to research details on past pieces. In addition to our on-line store, we have a couple dealers that utilize services like eBay to sell their pieces. Although there have been many knock-offs sold on-line, authorized dealers do have authentic pieces for sale. Always look for the below badge, that links to this page, somewhere on their piece listing to be certain that you are receiving an authentic Vaillancourt piece.

Authorized sellers include:

Thinking About Spring

Pre-Order Premier Numbers

Just a little luck...