If history teaches us anything, it’s that Christmas traditions have evolved over the centuries. Even though the magic of our modern Santa has its roots in the 4th-century saint Greek Bishop of Myra (Nikolaos of Myra, or, Saint Nicholas), it wasn’t until years later that the dutch figure, Sinterklaas, was introduced as a ceremonial figure riding a white horse. Fast forward to 1812 when Washington Irving, an American, first mentions St. Nicholas flying in a wagon in A Complete History of New York. Nearly a decade later, the reindeer replace the white horse in a sixteen page booklet titled, A New Year’s Present, to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve Number III: The Children’s Friend. And, one year later, Clement Clarke Moore solidify’s the use of Santa’s sleigh in his poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas (or The Night Before Christmas). Santa Riding North Pole Express, VFA Nr. 17036 So, keeping up with Christmas traditions and lore alike, we’re pleased to introduce two new Santas with alternative modes of transportation for 2017: Santa Driving The Vintage Car and Santa Riding The North Pole Express. These two pieces compliment the already diverse range of vehicles: including the Santa on Motorcycle, Santa in Convertible with Reindeer Hood Ornament, Santa in his Silver Taxi, on a Shooting Star, a Sail Boat, on his Scooter-like motorcycle, riding a Zeppelin, and on a plane! We can’t fault Santa for creatively figuring out the most efficient way to deliver gifts to the good boys and girls throughout the world.