Since the beginning, Vaillancourt Folk Art has been creating a catalog for both their wholesale and retail customers. Over the past few years the catalog has undergone some dramatic changes, including last year’s horizontal layout. This year is no exception. In addition to increasing the catalog by 4 pages, this year’s catalog has a fold-out cover that displays a 3-page spread of some very details products. Those who have followed the catalogs over the years will be happy to see that the “grid” view of the pieces has been minimized and glamour setting shots have been used to help display the products in more elegant settings—helping you to visualize how they will look in your house! The catalogs will be mailed to anyone that has ordered chalkware or ornaments in the past year, and is geared to go to mail in the fall. If you would like a catalog earlier, or not sure if you were on the mailing list anymore, please call the retail store to have one mailed. If you would like a sneak peek, please see the interactive digital version below.