Judi Vaillancourt is proud to present her newest Chalkware Club, “Legends & Lore.” You have, of course, heard of Santa Claus and St. Nicholas. But do you know Ashen Klaus, Weihnachtsforman or Zwarte Piet? These are just a few of the Christmas gift givers that Judi Vaillancourt has been researching for her new chalkware series. “Legends & Lore” is just that. As there are thousands of different holiday traditions—from the widely and generally accepted down to regionally and rarely practiced—there are a vast number of legends and lore that have evolved over time; shaped and adapted by different cultures, countries, and ethnicities throughout centuries. This monthly club will introduced thirteen of these legends and lore in the hopes to educate you, through an artists’ interpretation, of how others perceive “your” Christmas traditions. This new club, Legends & Lore, will be introduced at the 2014 Christmas Opening where premier number sets will be assigned. The club lasts for 13 months with each month’s piece being about 4-inches in height and costs $130.00 plus $12.00 s/h. Sign up today!