Although Nantucket boasts numerous Christmas traditions, one of its most iconic symbols during the holiday season is the decoration of the Lt. Max Wagner Memorial Fountain on Main Street.
The Main Street fountain holds a cherished place as a landmark in downtown Nantucket. Its history traces back to the late 19th century when it was anonymously gifted to the town in 1885 and installed in January 1886 in front of what is now Nantucket Looms, serving as a watering spot for horses, dogs, and humans alike.
In 1923, with the arrival of vehicles on the island, the town decided the fountain was obstructing traffic and relocated it to India Street. However, after months of public complaints, the fountain, constructed with granite and featuring a multi-tiered design, was moved to its current location. Dedicated in 1932 to the memory of Lt. Max Wagner, who was killed during the Spanish-American War, the fountain has become a symbol of community and tradition on the island, often serving as a focal point for events and gatherings throughout the year, particularly during events like Stroll during the holiday season.
Though routine maintenance has preserved the fountain over the years, a comprehensive restoration effort in 2021 was necessary due to damage. At that time, the fountain was restored, re-cast, and repainted to its original state, including the repair of its internal waterworks, which circulate water from the bowl to the mouths of fish sculptures.
In 2023, however, the fountain missed Christmas after an October accident involving a white truck that ran into it, shattering it into pieces. Fortunately, meticulous documentation from the 2021 preservation efforts facilitated the fountain’s recovery, ensuring its continuation as a beloved symbol of Nantucket’s holiday spirit.
Though it is a symbol of Nantucket’s identity in its own right, Judi wishes to honor the island’s Christmas spirit with the design of the 2024 Nantucket Santa, paying tribute to the Lt. Max Wagner Memorial Fountain. Painted in artisan oils, this year’s piece depicts Santa, dressed in traditional red, stepping up to place a wreath on the bronze plaque honoring Lt. Wagner. The planter is filled with greens and decorations, paying homage to the Nantucket Garden Club’s consistent attention to the fountain’s aesthetics, with a sack resting at the base of the fountain filled with toys.
The spirit of Christmas lives on, and we’re pleased to see the return of one of Nantucket’s icons during the holidays.